Greetings my nerds- I hope your year has been going well. I just got home from the annual Nerd Nite Bosses retreat, where all the other bosses shared news about their successful relaunches since the “end” of quarantine, and I haven’t done shit for over a year. *facepalm*

SO consider this the fire lit under the posterior to get this beast off the ground again. It’s going to be a lot of work- we need to re-establish our relationship with our venue, line up speakers, organize the door prizes, and try to remember all the passwords to all of our social media accounts, but it’s fecking worth it bc Nerd Nite is awesome and unique, and so are all of you. <3

Thanks for sticking with us, keep being safe, and watch for updates probably after the New Year. Until then, MEMES.

🙂 T