Happy birthday, Professor. Oh, and happy new year too.

Hey Nerds,

We’re all glad that 2016 ended with Betty White still on this side of alive, so Happy New Year to us all.   However,  I’d be remiss if I didn’t wish Mr. JRR Tolkien a happy birthday today, considering that I spent the better part of my early 20s engrossed in one volume of Middle Earth lore or another, and still have a map of ME hanging on my wall.

Additionally, thanks to everyone that showed up for the December showing of the Star Wars Holiday special.  It was so bad I left my copy of the movie on the bar we went to afterward to try and wash away the memory of that horrible, horrible ‘film’.

Our speakers for January are all lined up and we are just waiting for the juicy details before we can announce topics.  We are presently still looking for presenters from February and onward, so if you know someone with a yen for the podium, please send them to our fancy new gmail address: , or to our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/nerdnitefargo/)

As usual, FNN is on the 3rd Monday of the month, which falls on the 16th of January, at 7:30PM, Fargo Billiards and Gastropub.  Until then, stay tuned and stay warm.

🙂 T



FNN Star Wars Holiday Special!

Greetings all,

As usual, we are taking December off because the holidays are a real audience stealer.  HOWEVER, if you need your nerdy fix, we have arranged a screening of the beloved and dreaded Star Wars Holiday Special in lieu of regular Nerd Nite.  Join us at the Prairie Den in downtown Fargo (above King House Buffet) on Friday Dec 16th at 7:30PM.  There is no cover to get in and you can BYOB, but beer or wine only please.  We will also have access to their kitchenette, so bring some snacks if you want!

Regular Nerd Nite will resume on MONDAY JANUARY 21st next year.  Thank you all for a super 2016, and we wish you a joyous Christmas/ Hannukah/ Kwanza/ Festivus/ Holiday season.

NN Dec2016 Banner

Nerd Nite October 17, 2016

  • When: Monday, Oct 17 @ 7:30 PM.
  • What:  Thinking & Drinking
  • Where: Fargo Billiards & Gastropub.
  • Who: Nerds 21+.
  • Cost: $0.
  • Nerdtastic Topics:
    • Looking for Life in the Universe (Heidi Manning): The universe is a very large place, and as scientists search for life off of Earth, they need to focus their search. How and where do we look for life in the solar system?
    • OK if I Rant? (Mary Jane Haugen): A non-political view of a political upheaval: Ukraine’s Orange Revolution.
    • The Real Nightmare and How Animals Will Save Us (Larry Reynolds): Despite having been given a bad rap in the Developed World, animal products (milk, meat, seafood, etc.) are an important component of a healthy diet, especially in the Developing World.  Moreover, animals are critical to agricultural sustainability. Given the projected increase in the world’s population, animals will be critical to achieving food security: providing an adequate and healthy diet for all.
  • Plus, don’t miss the Halloween Costume Contest! Wear your best tricked out costume and win sweet loot, like nerdified paintings, inappropriate embroidery, and more!

Nerd Nite Sept 19, 2016

  • When: Monday, Sept 19 @ 7:30 PM.
  • What:  Thinking & Drinking
  • Where: Fargo Billiards & Gastropub.
  • Who: Nerds 21+.
  • Cost: $0.
  • Happy Hour: Join us beforehand for games, featuring Telestrations against Humanity.   (It’s like Telephone + Pictionary + Cards Against Humanity.  Not for tender hearts or weak stomachs.)
  • Nerdtastic Topics:
    • “How I Learned to Stop Worrying about the Stigma and Love Dungeons & Dragons.”  by Warren Christiansen
    • “Slaying the Dragon – The Quest to Defeat Cancer.”  by Steve Dekrey
    • …followed by Gaming Breakout Sessions!

Nerd Nite August 15, 2016

  • When: Monday, August 15 @ 7:30 PM.
  • Where: Fargo Billiards & Gastropub.
  • Who: Nerds 21+.
  • Cost: $0.
  • Happy Hour: Join us beforehand for games, featuring Telestrations against Humanity.   (It’s like Telephone + Pictionary + Cards Against Humanity.  Not for tender hearts or weak stomachs.)
  • Nerdtastic Topics:
    • Dusty O’Schultz: Scared, Fear, and Phobia: Although these words are often used interchangeably, they are three very different things.  What happens when we experience fear, and why do some people enjoy being scared?
    • Zachary Duval: The New Spectrum: Understanding Political Ideology in Four Dimensions: Tackling questions that will challenge your world view…and your sobriety.
    • Jake Weisser and Jared Zimney: Magic…for Nerds.  As opposed to the other kind of magic for nerds.  Explaining the ins and outs of maybe the nerdiest game ever.

Nerd Nite July 18, 2016

  • When: Monday, July 18 @ 7:30 PM.
  • Where: Fargo Billiards & Gastropub.
  • Who: Anyone 21+.
  • Cost: $0.
  • Nerdtastic Topics:
    • Alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.  Let’s take a (not so) sober look at our complicated relationship with ethanol. We’ll consider the history, pharmacology, and psychology of this familiar and fascinating drug.
    • The Children from Hell: The Story of the 12th SS, a WWII Panzer division comprised of Hitler Youth Volunteers
    • <Topic coming soon!>

Nerd Nite June 20, 2016

When: June 20, 7:30 PM.

Where: Fargo Billiards & Gastropub.

Who: Anyone 21+.

Cost: $0.

Topics (3):

“Heroes Need Help Too: What We Can Learn about Mental Health from Batman & Buffy”  —  We will discuss how science is used for diagnosing and treating mental health problems. Batman and Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be presented as case examples to describe the processes involved.  – Kathryn Gordon & Brandon Saxton.

“The Placebo Effect: Tricking Ourselves to a Healthier Tomorrow!” — Katy will discuss the history, medical uses, and possible biological causes of this strange phenomenon. – Katy Vesel

“Saving Ancestral Seeds & Foods” – Jamie Holding Eagle



Nerd Nite 4/20

Wed, Apr20 at 7:30 PM @ Fargo Billiards & Gastropub


-Topic 1:  “The Breakfast of Champions – Serialism and 12 Tone Theory.” Since the dawn of time, humans have been fascinated with two things; musical ideas and logic. What happens when you apply logic and creativity together to create a new art form? Will there be rioting (yes)? – Brianna Drevlow

-Topic 2:  “Leap Seconds: They Ruin Everything” You probably know about leap days, which are generally fun and maybe a tiny hassle for humans. But there are also leap seconds, which are generally boring and a pain in the ass for computers. Let’s find out what and why! – Aaron Feickert
-Topic 3:  “Robot Wars: West Fargo High School Competitive Robotics” Each year West Fargo competes in the FIRST Robotics Competition to design, build, and fiercely compete their robot against other high schools from around the world. Inspired and engaged, students collaborate with professionals to gain a real world STEM experience. – David Lindner


NN 420

March 21, 2016 Nerd Nite

Location: Fargo Billiards & Gastropub (3234 43rd St S, Fargo, ND 58104)

Start Time: 7:30PM –  Monday, MAR 21, 2016

Topic 1: NERD RAGE: Or How the Internet Made Me Laugh – Brad Meixner

Examples of Anonymity, Idiocy, and Outrage in Fandoms

Topic 2: From Michelangelo to Engineered Humanoids: Awaiting the Return of the Renaissance – Dr. Kalpana Kati

Engineering humanoid structures and body parts is the holy grail of the field of Tissue Engineering. I will describe the basic principles of this technology and also its need for interfaces and interactions with diverse fields from sciences, arts, humanities, and engineering as in the era of Renaissance. The disconnect between art and science and engineering is a hallmark of modern times. Was there a ‘nerd night’ during the Renaissance?

Topic 3:  Listen to the Music  – Brian Farlow

Music fans, come and explore the fascinating journey your favorite music takes from the studio to a plastic disc and how thousands of those can now fit in your pocket. We’ll talk about the basics of sound reproduction, digital audio, the mp3, and what new music technology is just over the horizon. 

What ELSE do we know?  We will be drinking & learning!


Feb15, 2016 Nerd Nite