Happy Friday, Nerds.  Celebrate the incoming 20-degree jump in temperatures (your car will probably even start!) with some quality Think&Drink, this Monday the 16th, at 7:30PM, Fargo Billiards and Gastropub!  Featured speakers and topics:

3D Printing & You – What It Is and Why You Should Care3D printing isn’t just hype, though there is plenty of that to go around. Learn about 3D printing and how organizations and individuals are using this technology to change the world around them.  -Mr. John Schneider, co-owner and founder of Fargo 3D Printing.

No person left behind: Fighting neglected diseases and building sustainable development goals.  -Dr. Jenn Bath, founder of the Concordia College Global Vaccine Institute, whose mission is the fight against neglected tropical diseases that afflict impoverished individuals living mainly in tropical climates.

Fantastic Squirrels and Where to Find ThemSquirrels are one of the few groups of wildlife that thrive in an urban setting and display a variety of adaptations and behaviors that captivate us human observers. We started conducting radio telemetry on gray and red squirrels at Concordia College back in September 2014 and have captured 54 squirrels and documented almost 700 locations to study squirrel movement patterns, behaviors, and habitat use on campus. –Dr. Joseph Whittaker, Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies, Concordia College.

…plus games, prizes, and general awesomeness.  See you there!

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