…so I make up these titles with just jumbles of words relevant to the presentations, but sometimes they come out eerily meaningful. I like to sing this one to the tune of Jamiroquai’s ‘Virtual Insanity’.
…no? No one? Bueller?
Well, anyway, topics and speakers for our June event are in! Check it:
“Psychology of the Dark Side.” Have you ever wondered why people turn to the dark side IRL? We’ll talk about the scientific research on pathways to antisocial behavior and the Sith characters from Star Wars. -Katie Gordon and Brandon Sexton, holders of fancy pants psych degrees and founders of Jedi Counsel, which explores mental health issues in fictional characters.
“Past and Present Climate Change: Distinguishing the Natural from the Unnatural.” What constitutes natural and unnatural climate change? How can geologic information be used to compare the modern rates of temperature and carbon dioxide rise to those of the prehistoric past? (I promise it won’t be all doom and gloom.) -Benjamin Laabs, geologist, climate scientist, ice enthusiast.
“The Science Behind Virtually Spectacular 360º Images.” You’ve probably seen 360º photographic content on Google Street View, but do you know what creating a 360º photo entails? We’ll be discussing the mathematics, technology, and science behind creating breathtaking 360º imagery. -Matthew Chaussee, CEO of Be More Colorful virtual tours.
Sounds awesome, right? Hit us up on Monday June 19th, 7PM, at Fargo Billiards and Gastropub. NOTE that’s 7PM, not 7:30 like it’s usually been. Bring your thirst for knowledge, and your thirst for tasty beers, and we’ll see you there!
🙂 T
This meme was certified clever by real Star Wars geeks. May the fourth be with you, friends. Eleven days until Nerd Nite!
🙂 T
Evenin’, guvnas! Shame on me for not posting earlier to thank our fabulous April speakers; Stuart wowed us with the amazing light absorbing properties of Vantablack, Ben made us question everything we ever learned in Sunday school, and Jen gave us a valuable lesson in always delegating to licensed Vet Techs. ALWAYS.
Ahem, anyway, topics and speakers for May Nerd Nite are here! Check it:
Botlink: Helping Everyone Fly Smarter. We are working to help anyone to start flying in minutes and to use unmanned arial vehicles (UAVs) to capture actionable data. We’ll talk about how we help people improve their efficiency through the use of aerial imagery and answer questions about the UAV industry. – Shannon Henstorf, knowitall and answerer of online chats at Botlink, Fargo.
Wonder Woman Day is June 3rd, and So Can You! How we learned to love Princess Diana of Themyscira, and why you should too. From the lasso to the tiara to the invisible jet, it’s Wonder Woman 101 to get you ready for her movie! –Rich Early, Paradox Comics-N-Cards, scruffy looking nerd-herder of the FM area.
A Fungus Among us: the Art and Science of Homebrewing. Yeast are exceptional at turning sugar into alcohol, an ability only eclipsed by humans’ capacity to consume said alcohol. In this talk I’ll demonstrate how easy (and complicated) it can be to make your own beer, mead, or cider at home, plus some reasons why you might want to in the first place. – Dr. John Wilkinson, local Biochemist and Beer Enthusiast.
Plus games, prizes, and the usual Nerding awesomeness. We will SEE. YOU. THERE.
🙂 T
PS- spotted this gem while stuck at a red light today. Had to resist the urge to chase them down and invite them to the May show. Nerds: they’re everywhere.
It’s FNN’s second birthday! Help welcome us into our terrible twos on Monday, April 17th, 7:30 PM, at Fargo Billiards and Gastropub. Topics and speakers:
Vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays: “Vantablack™” A superblack surface finish reflects much less light than conventional black materials and allows high powered telescopes and other sensors to improve their performance by having much lower levels of internally reflected light. Learn how this superblack finish can be achieved using Vantablack. –Dr. Stuart Croll, NDSU Dept. of Coatings and Polymeric Materials.
Jesus: A Superman Story Examining the historical argument for the existence of a man named Jesus of Nazareth that inspired Christianity, and why there is reason to doubt. By using the story of our modern day Superman as a comparative model, we can begin to understand how the legend evolved without the man. –Ben Jagim, aspiring/ wannabe historian and semi-professional Thor impersonator.
Anal Glands in the Domestic Dog: how a butt sniff between dogs = a friendly handshake between humans. Whether you own a dog or not, you have probably seen a butt sniff between dogs, or one ridiculously scoot its butt along the floor. Find out why they do these funny acts through a thorough explanation of what anal glands are, why they can be a literal pain in the ass, and how you too can squeeze a dog’s butt. –Jennifer Jordan, licensed veterinary technician and gland expressionist.
Plus trivia, prizes, and CAKE! Can’t wait to see your beautiful faces there.
🙂 T
PS: Happy National Beer Day, nerds! Today in 1933 marks the beginning of the end of Prohibition here in the States, with the enactment of the Cullen-Harrison Act making it legal to produce, sell, and consume beer up to 4.05% ABV. So tip one back and enjoy it, because NN wouldn’t be NN without booze and beer.
…because we have a Twitter account! Find us on the blue bird @NerdNiteFargo, or track the hashtag #nerdnite to see activities from Nerd Nites worldwide.
You’ll only be mildly offended. Promise.
🙂 T
Happy Monday, Nerds! I would like to extend a hearty thank you to everyone who came out last Wednesday, and to our speakers Shay, Zac, and…uh…me- for enlightening us all on Magic the Gathering, the History of the Antivaccination Movement, and the various techniques employed when piercing the parts unknown (I think the Chakra Shay was referring to is the root Chakra. Hooray- we all know how to find it now. :S) For further reading/activities, there are links here:
- The >>book<< Shay mentioned (if you’re interested in learning more about body modifications).
- Greg’s website for >>Operation Smile<< (if you’re interested in getting a bomb-ass headshot for only $24 and doing some good while you’re at it). http://www.lightmastersguild.com/smile.html
- My favorite >>video<< that I found while researching the Antivax movement, which focuses more on Edward Jenner and the very beginnings of vaccinations and the accompanying controversies.
Details are still developing for April’s show (Monday the 17th, 7:30, Fargo Billiards and Gastropub), but here’s a little >>hint<<, if you’re interested.
Until then, stay nerdy, stay curious, and stay awesome, my friends.
🙂 T
Good afternoon Nerds, and the happiest of hump days to you. I am very pleased to announce details for our March show! Check it:
1798 to Present: the History and Repercussions of the Anti-Vaccination Movement. Think the antivaxxer movement started with Wakefield and his infamous 1998 paper? Think again. Vaccinations have been the target of public scrutiny since [the first] Blossom the cow. The question is, are we stuck in a time loop? –Tracy Kurtz, semi-professional nerd, and wannabe political activist.
Holier than Thou: Secrets of a Body Modifier. No crevasse left unpierced; all the horror and magic of body art, summed up into twenty minutes. With pictures! –Shay Rasmussen, Professional needle sticker at Almost Famous Body Piercing.
Stalking the Planes: A Quick and Dirty Intro to Competitive “Magic: The Gathering”. For over 20 years, the world’s first trading card game has fostered a competitive aspect, which is partially responsible for its growth into the industry it is today. In an effort to scratch the surface of this gaming colossus, Zac will give a basic introduction to the world of competitive Magic. From the kitchen table to the spotlights of the Pro Tour, he will take a deeper look at the game that brings joy, stress, and frustration to over 20 million people worldwide. –Zachary Duval, writer, master of none, desperately seeking Grimbal.
There you have it! Join us Wednesday, March 22nd, 7:30 PM, at Fargo Billiards and Gastropub for Thinks, Drinks, Games, and Prizes. No cover, free and open to the public. Bring your friends, and see you then!
🙂 T
Happy Friday Nerds,
Unfortunately, two of our speakers for Monday backed out on us, and we’re not going to be able to fill up that space on such short notice. Also, the other Fargo Bosses and I realized that there’s a good chance that 3/4 of us wouldn’t be around for our scheduled date of March 20th. 🙁
…LUCKILY, the Gastropub was nice enough to let us shift the March event to WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22ND instead of our usual Monday slot. Look for event updates soon.
I’m sorry if I just ruined your Monday night plans, but please try and console yourself with the fact that Bill Nye is coming back to Netflix in April.
Stay tuned for updates, and stay nerdy, y’all.
🙂 Tracy
I’ve really got nothing for you today, other than thanking our fantastic speakers and everyone who came to the show on Monday, and this article about a new species of moth being discovered. Details about our February show (Monday, Feb 20th, 7:30PM, at the Gastropub) coming soon.
Happy Thursday, Nerds.
🙂 T
Happy Friday, Nerds. Celebrate the incoming 20-degree jump in temperatures (your car will probably even start!) with some quality Think&Drink, this Monday the 16th, at 7:30PM, Fargo Billiards and Gastropub! Featured speakers and topics:
3D Printing & You – What It Is and Why You Should Care: 3D printing isn’t just hype, though there is plenty of that to go around. Learn about 3D printing and how organizations and individuals are using this technology to change the world around them. -Mr. John Schneider, co-owner and founder of Fargo 3D Printing.
No person left behind: Fighting neglected diseases and building sustainable development goals. -Dr. Jenn Bath, founder of the Concordia College Global Vaccine Institute, whose mission is the fight against neglected tropical diseases that afflict impoverished individuals living mainly in tropical climates.
Fantastic Squirrels and Where to Find Them: Squirrels are one of the few groups of wildlife that thrive in an urban setting and display a variety of adaptations and behaviors that captivate us human observers. We started conducting radio telemetry on gray and red squirrels at Concordia College back in September 2014 and have captured 54 squirrels and documented almost 700 locations to study squirrel movement patterns, behaviors, and habitat use on campus. –Dr. Joseph Whittaker, Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies, Concordia College.
…plus games, prizes, and general awesomeness. See you there!
🙂 T