Greetings, Nerds!  Need a little pick me up for this catastrophic month?  Look no farther, because topics for August NN are here!

Sex and Violence: Human Behavior from an Evolutionary Perspective.

Evolution by natural selection has shaped, and continues to shape, form and function of all organisms when genetically-based traits ultimately contribute to reproductive success. Behavior is a genetically-based trait, and given that all humans alive today are the product of a long line of ancestors who all managed to successfully reproduce, we can compare behavioral strategies in humans with behavior of non-human animals to examine the role of genes and “free will” in shaping human behavior.

Brian Wisenden is a professor of animal behavior at Minnesota State University Moorhead. He has authored many scientific papers on the evolution of behavior and the behavioral ecology of fish. He teaches courses in Animal Behavior at MSUM and as a summer field course at the University of Minnesota Itasca Biological Field Station. Brian Wisenden has served on the editorial board of the academic journal Behaviour since 2001 and has served as managing editor of the journal since 2006.

How a Mythological Creature Helped a Little Girl Beat Cancer.

Like all industries, sometimes people in the pharmaceutical industry do the wrong thing. In spite of Martin Shkreli raising the price of a lifesaving drug by 4,000 percent, the pharmaceutical industry does some good things. One is the development of chimeric antigen receptor T-cells (CAR-T). The only thing probably scarier than Mr. Shrkeli is a chimera! Fortunately the treatment is far less scary. The first child dosed with this therapy was cancer patient Emily Whitehead, shown after and before the treatment. We will talk a little about this therapy, how it works, and what the future holds for an emerging area of medicine called gene therapy.

-James Brown realized after taking, and disliking, his first anatomy course as an undergrad that perhaps pre-med wasn’t his thing. After a graduate degree in chemistry he spent the next 25 years in the biotechnology industry. Two years ago he moved his entire family to Fargo, ND for the opportunity to work at what he thought was a great company, Aldevron, and live in a great community. He was right on both counts.

Cosplay: Capes, Masks & Grease Paint- Oh My!

Who among us hasn’t dreamed of being a super hero, a crime fighter, or an action adventurer? For many costuming, better known by most as cosplay, allows for a chance to slip out of our own lives and into a role we wish to play- if only for a little while. But what is cosplay? How did it begin, how has it evolved and changed over time, and what does it mean to those who play? Join us August 21stwhen Gigi, long-time cosplayer and enthusiast, discusses cosplay and what lies behind all the masks, capes, and grease paint.

-Nicole “Gigi” Kolbe.  An avid cosplayer with 14 years of experience, Gigi has spent many hours crafting & honing costumes to present at various sci-fi/fantasy events around the country. She has participated in numerous charity events playing such characters as Effie Trinket, Alice in Wonderland, Indiana Jones, Blossom Powerpuff & many more. Gigi enjoys talking about the history of cosplay & its cultural significance with anyone who’s game to listen, but she is especially excited to share her passion with the Nerd Nite.

…all this goodness, plus prizes (we’ve been embroidering fools lately- check out the sweet kitchen swag we made below) and a special announcement for September NN.  Come check us out on Monday August 21st, 7PM, at Fargo Billiards and Gastropub.  As always, Fargo Nerd Nite is free and open to the public, so just show up and bring your friends.  See all you beautiful nerds there, and remember: #noh8.

🙂 T

Towels, betches