Greetings, nerds! Anyone else just liiiiiiving for these cooler temps? F that 90+ degree business. Give me my hoodie, my bonfire, and my Nerd Nite, and I am a happy camper. Topics for this month:

Fall Lawn Tips
Growing a lawn can be challenging. Fortunately, September is a great month to improve the health of your lawn for next year. Learn about fertilizing, optimal mowing height, weed management and practices to increase your lawn’s density.

Dr. Esther McGinnis graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Ph.D. in Applied Plant Sciences. She is the North Dakota State University Extension Horticulturist and Director of the NDSU Extension Master Gardener Program. Her graduate students research pollinator plants, plants for rain gardens, and spotted wing drosophilia.

Projector Pranks and Pixel Predicaments
Navigating Accessibility Challenges in Presentations and maybe a short overview of what accessibility is in user interfaces.

Brian Glaeske, user interface whisperer by day, pixel pusher by night. Bringing a touch of magic to every user interface design.

If Trees Could Talk
In the language of rings, trees tell us stories about the past. Trees told us that the great flood of 1826 in Winnipeg extended back upstream into the United States. Before European settlers came to the Dakotas, fires of the western shortgrass prairies occurred about every 25 years, on average. Again, the trees told us. The language of tree rings tells us about past environments, ecological disturbances and human history. Let’s explore this language and discover the world around us.

Dr. Joe Zeleznik grew up in the northern hardwood forests of northeast Ohio, and studied forestry in West Virginia, Michigan and New York before setting out to be a forester in the Great Plains. He’s been the NDSU Extension Forestry Specialist for more than 20 years. He studies tree rings throughout North Dakota and northwest Minnesota, learning about the environment and human history through the fascinating science of dendrochronology.

Oh yeah. We’re getting that dad lawn. We’re uncovering secrets in Nature. We’re even learning how to improve future Nerd Nite presentations. See your gorgeous faces this Wednesday, September 20th, 7PM (doors at 6:30), Fargo Billiards and Gastropub. $10 at the door, or get your tickets in advance on Eventbrite (same price to you either way, bc we’re nice like that).

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