Hey there nerds,

This is it- we’ve come to the last Nerd Nite of 2018.  And, in a totally unprecedented event, we have all our shit together way ahead of time and I can ALREADY share event details with you!  Hold your applause, please. xD

The Millenium Falcon: A Really Bad Freighter.  We all love the Millenium Falcon, but have we ever really looked at why it was even considered a freighter?

Brian Glaeske is a mild Star Wars nerd by night, pixel pusher by day.

The Microbiome: 40 Trillion Bacteria and You.  The human microbiome consists of 40 trillion bacteria who call our body home. In comparison, our body is made up of an average of 30 trillion cells. Most people perceive bacteria as dangerous pathogens that cause disease, but without our microbiome we wouldn’t survive. They train our immune system, help us break down foods that we can’t digest ourselves and prevent dangerous pathogens from making a foothold in our body.

Manpreet Bains recently graduated with a Ph.D. in Molecular Pathogenesis where his research focused on the interactions of the neuropeptide, Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide, and the body. His research involved understanding how VIP impacted eosinophils and T-cells in the immune system, altered metabolism, and modified the microbiome.  Likes include big words, Qdoba lunches, and LinkedIn.

Clean Coal: Resolution or Ruse? In this presentation, the main methods proposed for clean coal are presented along with an analysis of their technical end economic merits. It is the contention of the speaker that clean coal does not exist and that the proposed methods are little more than a ruse to confuse politicians and the public – similar to methods used by the tobacco industry.

Jacob Glower is an Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Dakota State University with 27 years of experience in higher education and industry.

There you have it! See you on Wednesday November 14th, 7PM (doors at 6:30), at Fargo Billiards and Gastropub.  There is no December Nerd Nite planned, however we will likely do a game night or a dinner or summat, so keep an eye on the social medias or subscribe to our email list for updates.

FNN will formally return at our usual timeslot on the third Wednesday of every month in January of 2019. We are booking speakers for then on out, so we want to know: WHAT DO YOU NERD OUT ABOUT?!  Contact us to snag your timeslot for speaking at NN2019.  It’s easy and there’re free drinks.  You’ll love it.

🙂 T

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