I am always so wiped out the day after Nerd Nite but I am also always HYPED for the next show! Thanks so much to our brilliant speakers Sara, Wyatt, and Tracy for sharing their time and expertise with us, to our wonderful venue Front Street Taproom, and to everyone who came out. Our next show will be Thursday April 17th, same time, same place. Tickets are on sale at Eventbrite if you want to reserve your seat early. In the meantime:

  • Get your swingy swerve on with Lindy of the North Swing Dancing. Their Blues Dance Weekend starts TODAY (March 21st) featuring dancing lessons with a guest instructor and social hours.
    • Also play “Where’s Wyatt” in their facebook photo album. 😂
  • Take your own badass astronomy trip by applying for the 2025 ACEAP Cohort. YES, anyone can apply.
  • Become a guardian of nature with Mission Patagonia.
  • Start planning your own Nerd Nite talk! 1) Pick your topic, 2) Just start writing, 3) Organize and edit, 4) Make it relatable, 5) Contact us at fargonerdnite@gmail once you’re ready to book a date! We’re currently looking for speakers for May onward.

See your beautiful faces in April.

🙂 T