Happy Thursday my nerds! Have you ever thought:

  • “Geez, I’d love to get into birding, but I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of those ornithology snobs with the $2500 binoculars who can replicate bird calls so well the birds answer them back.”
  • “Gosh, I would love to compost these food scraps but I’m worried about smells and vermin and pissing off the neighbors.”
  • “Good gravy, planet minded products and packaging are so expensive- there must be cheaper ways to reduce my plastic waste.”

…HONEY have I got news for you! 😀 If you’re looking for ways to increase your mental wellness through nature and reduce your impact on the planet, this is the Nite to be at. Speaker + Talk details:

Observation Birds – A Glimpse Into Mindful Birding

A self-described overachieving Millennial and one who identifies her success through achievements, slowing down was never part Amanda Booher’s lifestyle. But she was pretty stressed out, and through connection and purpose, Amanda Booher, Audubon Great Plains Communications Manager, has become a certified Mindfulness Coach and Mindful Bird Guide in attempt to take a chill and learn from our feathered friends. Mindful Birding combines observing birds with mindfulness techniques where labeling or identifying birds is not the primary focus.

Amanda Booher is a community builder and Communications professional with over 15 years of experience. In her current role at Audubon Great Plains she is the Communications Manager and works hard to promote the importance of protecting habitats for birds in the Great Plains region. Amanda is the Vice Chair for the Chamber’s Women Connect Committee and also served seven years on the Fargo Theatre Board of Directors.

Unlocking the Potential: Transforming Food Waste in the FM-Area into a Valuable Resource

Hayden Thompson and Bridger Scraper tried to give me their details on Monday and I screwed up, so I’m currently missing their full talk info, but you can get an idea of what they’ll be discussing by visiting their website https://www.prairiecompostservices.com/. Will post their teaser and bios ASAP!

Plastic Assassin!  Finding Creative Ways to Reduce your Plastic Waste

Single use plastic sucks! It takes thousands of years to degrade, is difficult to recycle, and it’s killing our wildlife. We’ve been over-enjoying this decadent, disposable convenience for too long, and our planet is paying the price. Join me to retrain your brain in how you think about plastic packaging, and learn some painless ways to reduce your plastic waste.

Tracy Kurtz is a has-been chemist living in a microbiologist’s world, a nine year Nerd Boss, and a prime example of the Attenborough effect.  Interests include birds, composting, and exactly four other things.(Yes, you may remember this talk from 2023; our third speaker had to drop out for health reasons, so we’re filling time with an appropriately themed legacy talk. Deal with it. 🙂 )

See your beautiful faces on Thursday June 20th, 7PM (doors at 6:30) at The Cellar below Front Street Taproom for some learning, some door prizes, and some laughs. Bring $10 to the door or get your tickets in advance on Eventbrite (same price either way- we eat the EB fees bc the compost worms won’t do it).

🙂 T