Happy Monday, Nerds! I would like to extend a hearty thank you to everyone who came out last Wednesday, and to our speakers Shay, Zac, and…uh…me- for enlightening us all on Magic the Gathering, the History of the Antivaccination Movement, and the various techniques employed when piercing the parts unknown (I think the Chakra Shay was referring to is the root Chakra. Hooray- we all know how to find it now. :S) For further reading/activities, there are links here:
- The >>book<< Shay mentioned (if you’re interested in learning more about body modifications).
- Greg’s website for >>Operation Smile<< (if you’re interested in getting a bomb-ass headshot for only $24 and doing some good while you’re at it). http://www.lightmastersguild.com/smile.html
- My favorite >>video<< that I found while researching the Antivax movement, which focuses more on Edward Jenner and the very beginnings of vaccinations and the accompanying controversies.
Details are still developing for April’s show (Monday the 17th, 7:30, Fargo Billiards and Gastropub), but here’s a little >>hint<<, if you’re interested.
Until then, stay nerdy, stay curious, and stay awesome, my friends.
🙂 T